**POSITION 1: COMPLETELY DRAINED** A hardworking leader with a heart of gold,
carrying the weight of the world. You give endlessly, often leaving yourself exhausted.
**POSITION 2: 6000% OVERWORKED** A rare, strong soul with a warrior’s spirit. You work
tirelessly for your dreams and loved ones, sometimes at your own expense. **POSITION 3:
NEEDS A VACATION** A dedicated leader who always gets things done. Your biggest weakness?
Caring too much, leaving you overwhelmed. **POSITION 4: OVER-INDEPENDENT** Tough and responsible,
always smiling despite stress. You give endlessly, often forgetting to take care of yourself.
**POSITION 5: 6000% OVERWORKED** A strong leader who never gives up. You juggle many responsibilities,
always putting others first. **POSITION 6: NEEDS A VACATION** Independent and hardworking, you carry
heavy burdens for loved ones. You give until there’s nothing left. **POSITION 7: 6000% OVERWORKED**
A determined leader who pushes through stress. You give without limits, sometimes at the cost of
your own well-being. **POSITION 8: STUBBORN & INDEPENDENT** A warrior with an unbreakable spirit.
You shoulder immense responsibilities and give endlessly because you care too much