‘Rude’ Sign On Daycare Door Goes Viral After Mother Snaps Photo Of It
Juliana Farris Mazurkewicz went to pick up her daughter from daycare in Hockley, Texas when she noticed a very blunt sign on the door that left her…

An Old Man Was Eating At A Truck Stop
An old man was eating at a truck stop when three rough-looking bikers walked in. As they passed the old man, the first biker pushed his cigarette…

Jamie Lee Curtis on How Plastic Surgery Is “Wiping Out Generations of Beauty”
Almost since the beginning of film actors have been altering their appearances to be more “screen worthy” and to look younger or appeal to a wider audience….

Diner Complains About Worker, So Pizza Shop Hangs Perfect Sign
After a rude diner complained about a special needs employee at a pizza shop, the owner decided to address the issue by hanging the perfect sign on…

‘Mr. Knuckles’ Approached School Girl, Worried Mom Learns His 15-Year Routine
Any mother who hears that her little girl has been approached by a stranger would be concerned. So, when one young girl admitted to talking to a…

A Man Shows Someone Human Kindness And He Gets Much More In Return
Last week I was having breakfast at Chik-fil-a and as I was sitting in my truck eating I noticed a homeless guy sitting on the curb behind…

Hоmеlеss Tееn Mаkеs 4.3 GPА, Bеcоmеs Vаlеdictоriаn, Аnd Gеts Mоrе Thаn $3 Milliоn In Schоlаrships
Mеmphis, Tеnnеssее high schооl vаlеdictоriаn Tupаc Mоslеy hаs much mоrе tо cеlеbrаtе thаn his rеcеnt high schооl grаduаtiоn. Thе tееn hаs bееn аwаrdеd in еxcеss оf $3…

Sweet Toddler Hugs Pizza Delivery Man Not Knowing He’d Just Lost His Own Child
There are few things as magical as the sweet innocence of a child. And the story I’m going to share with you today is a perfect example…

Teacher Gets The Most Ridiculous Answer And Would Have Be Smart Not To Ask The Question Again
In the following joke, we hear about a teacher who asked a student a question and when they didn’t get the answer they wanted, they began to…

People are upset over sign KFC store posted on their doors – Restaurant refuses to take it down
The owner of this KFC restaurant made the decision to hang a self-printed sign on the front door of the restaurant — and it raised a few…