Sweet Toddler Hugs Pizza Delivery Man Not Knowing He’d Just Lost His Own Child
There are few things as magical as the sweet innocence of a child. And the story I’m going to share with you today is a perfect example…

Teacher Gets The Most Ridiculous Answer And Would Have Be Smart Not To Ask The Question Again
In the following joke, we hear about a teacher who asked a student a question and when they didn’t get the answer they wanted, they began to…

People are upset over sign KFC store posted on their doors – Restaurant refuses to take it down
The owner of this KFC restaurant made the decision to hang a self-printed sign on the front door of the restaurant — and it raised a few…

Bar’s Front Door Sign ‘Sparks Outrage’, Manager Claims It’s ‘Increased Business’
Note: we are republishing this story, which originally made the news in June 2018, amid record high levels of political division in America. According to Pew surveys,…

Who remember’s watching ‘Our Gang’ — the OTHER Little Rascals?
Many will remember the classic hijinx of the other little rascals known as ‘Our Gang.’ These zany kids were some of the first child performers to ever…

Veteran who hasn’t seen Marine grandson in years gets a special gift on his birthday (VIDEO)
We often consider men serving in the military as the toughest men on Earth. And with that is the assumption that they’re devoid of emotions. Here’s something…

Coffee Shop Owner Puts Up Genius Sign To Teach Rude Customers Manners And It Works Immediately
Working in a restaurant, bar or coffee shop cafe can often be exhausting. The hours are long, the pay isn’t always great, the customers can be rude…

Her Husband Abandoned Her To Raise Six Children Alone – Then Something Surprising Happened
A touching story is going viral this week that reminds all of us how important it is to be kind to one another and help those in…

High School Dance Team Lines Up In Gym – Crowd Goes Wild When Lights Go Out
High school athletics are getting tougher and tougher these days, and all teams need something that will make their team stand out. The Dodge City High School…

A Young Man Named John Received A Parrot As A Gift.
A young man named John received a parrot as a gift. The parrot had a bad attitude and an even worse vocabulary. Every word out of the…