– Now l’m not sure lf my choice to ruin the wedding was the right on – Mother….

Mike was previously married and had a son, Tommy, who has Down Syndrome. Soon after Tommy’s birth, Mike left his family and had no contact with them. He also didn’t provide any support for Tommy. Mike’s family was upset with him for abandoning his son. When his mother found out he was getting remarried, she felt compelled to act. Her main concern wasn’t Mike starting a new family, but rather that he should take responsibility for Tommy. On Mike’s wedding day, as he and his bride were about to exchange vows, his mother entered the with Tommy, his son with Down Syndrome in her’arms,

She revealed to everyone, including Mike’s fiancée, how Mike had neglected his son. The fiancée, shocked by the revelation, threw her bouquet at Mike and left the with her family. Mike’s mother also left soon after. The next day, her cousin Liam told her about Mike’s angry and emotional reaction in front of the guests.Mike’s mother is now unsure if her decision to disrupt the wedding was right. She didn’t intend to ruin the wedding but wanted to teach Mike a lesson about responsibility.

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