Liam Neeson, the renowned actor known for his powerful performances in films such as Schindler’s List and the Taken series, recently made a guest appearance on the popular talk show The View. However, the veteran star did not hold back when expressing his disappointment with the show’s hosts and their topic of discussion.
Neeson, who has been praised for his serious and thought-provoking roles, was hoping for a meaningful conversation on an important topic. He had been watching the show in his dressing room and was looking forward to joining the hosts on stage. However, he was met with a segment that he described as “all this BS” and “a bit embarrassing.”
The actor had been under the impression that the hosts were having a real and important discussion on gun violence in America. But instead, the segment turned into a conversation about a thirteen or fourteen-year-old crush that one of the hosts, Joy Behar, had on Neeson. This made Neeson uncomfortable and disappointed with the direction of the interview.
In an interview with Rolling Stone, Neeson expressed his disappointment with the segment and the hosts’ behavior. He also mentioned that he had a good and intelligent conversation with one of the hosts, Sunny Hostin, after the show. However, the segment itself was focused on Behar’s crush, which Neeson found to be “chaotic” and “embarrassing.”
The uncomfortable segment began innocently enough, with Behar jokingly telling Neeson that they talk about him so much on the show that she feels like he’s been there before.
However, the jokes continued, with one of the hosts even asking Neeson to draw hearts on their “valentines” for him. This made the actor visibly uncomfortable, and he sat with his arms crossed, not joining in on the jokes or cracking a smile.
It’s no surprise that Neeson was uncomfortable with the hosts’ antics, as he has previously expressed his discomfort with filming sex scenes and being objectified by fans. The Irish-born actor has had a successful career, starring in critically acclaimed films such as Schindler’s List, Michael Collins, and Gangs of New York.
However, his late-career renaissance as an action star has drawn particular attention from his fans around the world.
In conclusion, Liam Neeson’s guest appearance on The View turned out to be an uncomfortable and disappointing experience for the actor. He had been hoping for a serious conversation on an important topic, but instead, the segment focused on a trivial and embarrassing topic.
Neeson’s disappointment with the show’s hosts and their behavior serves as a reminder that celebrities are not always comfortable with being objectified and objectifying behavior.