Kelly Clarkson is a mother who spanks her kiids if they don’t behave

Kelly Clarkson has talked about how she taught her kids right from wrong. The mother of two said in an interview that she will spank her kids if they don’t act right.

She says that in her home state of Louisiana, where she lives, this is a common thing to do.

Clarkson is from Fort Worth, Texas. She has two kids, River Rose, 5, and Remy, 3, as well as two stepchildren from her first marriage to Brandon Blackstock. When asked how she disciplined her children, she said, “I’m not above a spanking,” which some people don’t like. And she doesn’t mean a hard beating, just a swat on the behind.

She then explains why she acts the way she does by saying that her parents spanked her and she did well in life, so she is happy with herself. She went on to say that before she does anything, she always gets a warning.

The Voice coach went on to say that she is from the South, where spanking is common.

She does say, though, that it can be hard to do in public because people who don’t agree are quick to judge.

People have debated about whether or not spanking is a good way to punish over a long period of time. Some people think it’s safe, while others think it’s dangerous.

The American Academy of Pediatrics does not support spanking or any other kind of “corporal punishment” as a way to discipline kids.

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