FORMER President Donald Trump released a brief health report from his doctor!

Former President Donald Trump released a brief health report from his doctor, Dr. Bruce Aronwald, claiming his health is “excellent” and mentioning weight loss due to an “improved diet” and daily exercise. However, the report lacks crucial specifics such as Trump’s weight, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, prescriptions, or the amount of weight lost.

In the past, Trump’s doctors made vague claims about his health, including hyperbolic statements like being the “healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.” Trump’s health reports have often omitted crucial details. Meanwhile, President Biden releases more detailed health reports, though they haven’t dispelled concerns about his age and health.

Both Trump and Biden have faced questions about their ability to serve another term, given their age, with polls showing voter concerns about their fitness for the presidency. Trump, in particular, has touted his cognitive test performance as proof of his mental sharpness.

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