In a startling turn of events, a family narrowly averted disaster after unknowingly posing for photographs next to an unexploded World War II mine, initially mistaken for a harmless buoy. Kelly Gravell, accompanied by her two children, stumbled upon the seaweed-covered object on a beach near Burry Port, Carmarthenshire, last Wednesday.
The 32-year-old mother was left astonished when the beach, frequented by her family, was abruptly closed five days later. Carmarthenshire Council rangers identified the object as a 70-year-old bomb and promptly called in the bomb squad to neutralize the potential threat. Dramatic footage captured a significant explosion on the far side of the harbor after experts carried out a controlled detonation.
Gareth, the father, took to Twitter to express his surprise, sharing images of Erin, six, and Ellis, four, playfully interacting with the disguised explosive. His tweet humorously noted, “So the buoy my kids were jumping on all weekend turns out to be a WWII bomb. Oops.”