Dаd gеts mаssivеly shаmеd fоr рutting lеаshеs оn his 5-yеаr-оld quintuрlеts

Parenting in modern times can be quite challenging. Not only do young parents have to deal with advice from family members, but they also have to navigate through unsolicited comments from strangers on the internet about their parenting choices.

Jordan Driskell has five quintuplets who are all 5 years old. Taking care of five children of the same age can be challenging, especially when they are at an age where they are curious and love to explore.

Jordan Driskell, a 31-year-old father, came up with an innovative idea to address his issue. He purchased child leashes to manage his energetic children while out in public.

Driskell used to have a 6-seat stroller for their large family, but it quickly became tiresome as the kids were bothered when inside it. The stroller was also very inconvenient to take anywhere.

This allows young children to roam and discover their environment while the family is out, ensuring that their father can keep them safe and under control.

Driskell shared a video of the family’s trip to the aquarium, which sparked significant backlash against the parents. The footage of the children on leashes quickly went viral, amassing over 3 million views. Many viewers expressed their disapproval, arguing that the children are not animals and shouldn’t be treated as such.

Others commented, “If you can’t manage the pressure, don’t have so many kids.”

Disguised as guidance, another person criticized, “Why don’t you teach your kids better? Explain to them the dangers of running away.”

Dr. Deborah Gilboa, a specialist in parenting and adolescent development, holds a contrasting view. She believes that using a leash does not make a child feel like an animal. In her opinion, if the only other choice is staying at home, then using a leash is definitely the preferable option!

A leash can be a helpful tool for younger or neuro-diverse children in public settings, according to Dr. Gilboa. However, she also mentioned that if a neurotypical child is still using a leash at the ages of eight or nine, it could indicate a lack of developed listening skills, which could potentially lead to issues.

At that point, parents ought to communicate verbally with their children rather than depending on tools like leashes.

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