I (34F) have been married to Jason (39M) for three years. He has two daughters, Emily (10F) and Lily (8F),
and I have a daughter, Ava (12F). Ava has always been rude to Jason and his daughters, refusing to engage with them.
Last week, after Ava destroyed Emily’s art project, I told her she wouldn’t be allowed to join us for Christmas
if she didn’t change her behavior. The next night, I got a threatening call from a man who
turned out to be Ava’s dad’s brother. Ava had gone to her dad’s house and twisted the situation.
Jason supports my decision, but my family is upset, saying I’m pushing Ava away. Now Ava refuses to
apologize and accuses me of choosing my “new family” over her. Did I go too far, or was this necessary?