Elvis Performed This Gospel Song Only Once In Concert, And He Left The Audience Begging For More

Elvis Presley was known as a rebel, a bad boy, and a man that could usually get the crowd dancing in such a way that one’s parents would sincerely not approve. But does that mean that he didn’t have a heart of gold? Absolutely not. This artist’s talent is immeasurable and the way in which he inspired those in and out of his generation, is something not many people have had the luxury of achieving in their lifetime.

Which is why many are not only a fan of his rock n’ roll songs but also those that are soulful, gracious, and lovely. And whether you’re listening to one of his softer songs or one that is upbeat and fun, you know that it’s going to be absolutely amazing.

Today, we’re going to pay tribute to one of Elvis’s slower more Godly tunes. You see, despite his reputation, Elvis was a religious man. “I believe in the Bible. I believe that all good things come from God. I don’t believe I’d sing the way I do if God hadn’t wanted me to,“ Elvis said. But even with his strong beliefs, he rarely sang religious songs…which makes this occasion that much more special.

In February 1977, he performed the gospel song, ‘Where No One Stands Alone’. And at that time, the song had never been sung on stage in front of a live audience. So when Elvis gave his band members the request, even they were excited yet speechless.

See this utterly beautiful performance in the video below, and if it has given you chills up your spine, be sure to share it with your family and friend.

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