cSouth Carolina Prepares for First

Brad Sigmon, a 67-year-old man who has spent more than two decades on death row, is set to be executed by firing squad

tonight (March 7), marking the first execution of its kind in South america Carolina’s history. With just hours left before his

scheduled execution, Sigmon has made a last-minute plea for clemency, hoping for an intervention from Governor Henry

McMaster. The Crime and ConvictionSigmon was sentenced to death in 2002 after being convicted of the brutal murders of his

ex-girlfriend’s parents, David and Gladys Larke, in Greenville County, South Carolina. According to court records, he beat them

to death with a baseball bat in their home before kidnapping his ex-girlfriend, Rebecca Barbre, at gunpoint. Barbre managed to

escape from his vehicle before he could harm her further.

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