Magnesium is a mineral found in many types of foods; it plays an essential role in human DNA production and repair, and in maintaining healthy bones, nerves and muscles.
Though it is readily available, most Americans do not meet their need for magnesium through their diet. The National Institutes of Health reports that teenage girls and men over
the age of 70 are the most likely to suffer from a magnesium deficiency; if you’re not in either of those categories, you still should consider getting your magnesium level checked
if you suffer the following 12 symptoms.
1. Low energy
“Magnesium is involved in at least 300 different chemical reactions in our body, and a lot have to do with energy production,” functional medicine nutritionist Alison Boden told Reader’s Digest. “A sign of low magnesium can be low energy.” If having low energy is getting you down, try these 10 easy ways to boost energy.
2. Twitching or cramping
Because magnesium plays an important role in muscle relaxation, insufficient intake can result in unintended muscle movement. “Without magnesium, our muscles would be in a constant state of contraction,” says Ancient Minerals.
3. Frequent headaches
Magnesium deficiency lowers serotonin levels, causes blood vessels to constrict and affects neurotransmitter function, all related to headaches — especially migraines. MigraineAgain estimates that 50% of migraine sufferers have a magnesium deficiency. Here are 8 ways to treat headaches without medication.
4. Insomnia
If you’re having a hard time falling or staying asleep, it may be due to low levels of magnesium, particularly if you are experiencing a lot of stress. Stress hormones increase blood pressure and heart rate; this is partly accomplished by depleting the body of its magnesium, explains Dr. Ronald Hoffman. If there isn’t enough magnesium available for the body to replenish itself, sleeping becomes a problem. If you are worried about sleeping well, be sure to check out these tips for better sleep.
5. Irregular heartbeat
With low magnesium levels, the heart can have trouble staying in its regular rhythm. Doctors often prescribe magnesium supplements for patients who complain of an irregular heartbeat.
6. Increased sensitivity to noise
Not having enough magnesium curtails its role in stabilizing the nervous system, Hoffman says. This often results in hyperflexia, an enhanced startle reflex.