“Wheel of Fortune” celebrated its 50th anniversary on Wednesday night with a high-scoring, nail-biting episode that had fans buzzing. The evening saw all three contestants rack up impressive five-figure totals, but once again, a tricky Bonus Round puzzle left the winner walking away without the grand prize.
The episode featured a showdown between three energetic contestants: Jason Blackwell, a maintenance electrician from Spartanburg, South Carolina; Jennifer Hawkins, a globetrotter from Ypsilanti, Michigan; and Amber Holland, a new homeowner from Visalia, California.
A Competitive Start
Hawkins came out swinging early, quickly dominating the game. She nailed the first two major puzzles, including the lucrative Mystery Round, earning herself $19,894 in cash and a trip to Hawaii. As Hawkins soared ahead, Blackwell lagged behind with $3,000, while Holland hadn’t scored anything yet.
But things took a dramatic turn during the Express Round when Holland made a big comeback. She solved the puzzle for a whopping $17,050 and snagged a trip to Puerto Rico. She also picked up the coveted Wild Card, giving her a strategic edge if she made it to the Bonus Round.
Meanwhile, Blackwell seemed to be out of luck. Heading into the Triple Toss-Up, he was still stuck at $3,000, while Hawkins and Holland continued racking up points. The two women answered all three puzzles between them, leaving Blackwell far behind.
A Surprising Twist in the Final Round
Just when it seemed like Blackwell’s game was over, fate threw him a lifeline in the final Speed Up round. Each correct letter was worth a hefty $6,000, giving Blackwell a last-minute chance to turn things around. He jumped on it, finding four correct letters and surging past his opponents.
In a dramatic finish, Blackwell ended the episode with $27,000, beating out Hawkins’ $23,894 and Holland’s $19,050.