Amazon driver dives into homeowner’s swimming pool after reading open note in driveway

Amid the sweltering heatwave that has gripped the United States, a heartwarming video has emerged showcasing an Amazon driver’s refreshing surprise.

The video begins with the driver making his rounds under the blazing California sun when he stumbles upon a note left by a homeowner.

The note, a beacon of kindness in the scorching heat, invites him to take a dip in the pool.

Without second thought, the driver dives in fully clothed- hat and Amazon vest included.
The video then shifts to Phoenix, where another act of kindness unfolds. A Good Samaritan notices his mail carrier, who is pregnant, in distress.

He rushes to her aid, helping her with her deliveries on the 26th day of the relentless 100-degree heat.

The video captures the essence of humanity, showing how people are helping each other cope with the extreme weather conditions.

The video then takes us to Florida, where residents are flabbergasted by the temperature of the water off Manatee Bay.

The water is as hot as a hot tub, with a stunning temperature of 101 degrees.
It’s the hottest sea surface temperature ever recorded on the planet, even hotter than many hot tubs.

The video captures the disbelief of the residents, their faces a mix of shock and awe.

The video then cuts to Great Jones Spa in Manhattan, where the water temperature in the hot tub is around 102 degrees.

The video compares this temperature to the water in Florida, highlighting the severity of the heatwave.

The spa-goers are seen enjoying the hot tub, their faces a stark contrast to the shocked residents in Florida.

One thing they all have in common is that the cool-off is welcome.

Out of all of them, though, we’d have to say this Amazon driver’s cool-off is the best.

He doesn’t just take a dip. He goes full free-dive mode.

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