The Cow Math Puzzle: A Brain Teaser for the Curious Mind

Have you heard about the recent math puzzle featuring a cow that’s been causing quite a stir on Twitter? With its cozy cottage vibe, this brain teaser has got people debating the correct solution. So, let’s dive in and see if we can solve it together!

The Puzzle: A Cow and Some Numbers

Here’s how the puzzle goes:

You buy a cow for $800.
You sell the cow for $1000, making a profit of $200.
You buy the cow again for $1100, but since you already made a profit of $200 from the first transaction, your effective cost for the second purchase is reduced to $900.
Finally, you sell the cow again for $1300, making a profit of $400 ($1300 – $900).

So, What’s the Correct Answer?
If you’ve been following along, you might have already guessed it. The correct answer to this cow math puzzle is $400. Let’s break it down step by step:

Purchase the cow for $800.
Sell the cow for $1000.
Net profit: +$200.
Re-purchase the cow for $1100.
Net profit becomes -$900.
Sell the cow again for $1300.
Total profit = $400.

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