Opinion: OMG, what did Trump say THIS time!?
In normal times, it would be extraordinary to see a sitting U.S. president claim that his predecessor had secretly used the U.S. intelligence community to spy on…

Lia Thomas breaks Down in Tears After Being Booed Off Stage at “NCAA Legends” Event
Annually, the NCAA hosts a convention to celebrate the accomplishments of its past athletes who left an indelible mark on the league. Traditionally, the opening night of…

Henry Winkler is still in love with his beautiful wife of 44 years after she recovered from cancer twice
With 3 kids and a loving 44-year marriage, many would be surprised to know that Henry Winkler and his wife almost never saw each other again after…

Venus Williams Forfeits Match Against Trans Woman: “I’m Not Playing a Man”
Venus Williams is one of the best tennis players ever to grace the sport. She and her sister, Serena, have won more combined titles than any pair…

77-year-old Goldie Hawn’s body caused mixed reactions
Goldie Hawn forgot how old she was and appeared in a bodysuit! Her noticeably aged appearance came as a disappointment for the fans! Believe it or not,…

Woman moves into tiny $35K house in her own backyard to achieve financial freedom
ShareTweet Living in a tiny home didn’t only offer Precious Price the chance to live simply; it also started her on the path to eliminating her housing…

Dad Begins Playing Guitar For Toddler Twins, And Their Reaction To Dance Is Adorable
When their father plays his self-composed guitar piece called My Paradise — a song he wrote specifically for his daughters — these toddler twins begin to dance….
Praying for Jimmy Carter as His Foundation Makes Dreadful News
According to new reports, former President Jimmy Carter has entered hospice care. According to a statement provided by The Carter Center, the 39th president’s choice to enter…

Veteran couple sleep in freezing cold every night, until kids build and donate them a home
A Navy veteran, Eddie Browning, and his wife, Cindy Browning, would fall asleep freezing every night, but were delighted to be owners of a tiny home given…

Mom’s Genius Idea for Teaching Her Boys Respect After They Were Rude to the Bus Driver
Deciding how to punish your children can be a tough call. Determining a fair punishment that gets the lesson across effectively without being cruel is difficult. On…