Parents Turn Off Son’s Life Support 8 Days after Tragedy at School — He Saves 4 Lives Shortly After
It was just a typical school day for seven-year-old Decklan Hayward, who was having fun with friends. Suddenly, his mother got a call that no mother should…

Dad & 11-Year-Old Son Die after Boy Flies a Plane in Video – Stepmom Couldn’t Bear the Grief
A video of Garon Maia letting his son, Francisco, operate a plane recently surfaced after the father and son were reported to have died in a plane…

What Really Happened To Matthew LeBlanc
Popular culture has forever associated Matthew LeBlanc with his role as Joey Tribbiani on the long-running NBC sitcom “Friends.” Millions of viewers around the world tuned in…

Child Has Never Eaten A Gram Of Sugar — See How She Looks Now
Little Grace has never had a bit of refined sugar, as her health-conscious mom put her on a strict diet as soon as she was born. This…

Soldier Goes To Order Taco Bell Meal, Stops Cold When He Hears 2 Boys
A uniformed soldier was standing at the counter of a Taco Bell, ready to order his meal when he stopped cold. He had overheard what two boys…

Husband Plants 6,000 Trees To Honor Deceased Wife, 15 Years Later Photos Reveal His True Motive
Howard Howes lost his wife Janet 17 years ago. In the months that followed, he planted thousands of oak saplings in a six-acre field next to his…

Customer Puts Note On Front Door Of Subway Ripping Megan Rapinoe, Franchisees Say They’re Fed Up
Megan Rapinoe stirred controversy at the Tokyo Olympics, and now a group of Subway franchisees want the company to fire her. The 36-year-old, who kneeled during the…

15 Years After Mom And Her 3 Kids Vanish, FBI Discovers They’ve Been Living A Secret Life
The mysterious vanishing of the Clark family captured the attention of people across the globe. It all started in 1995 when John Clark arrived home from work…

Mother Births 3rd Set Of Twins, But When She Sees Birth Certificate She Can’t Believe Her Eyes
A Wisconsin couple gave birth to a set of twins — and it would turn out to be their third set of twins born on the same…