4th Grader Destroys Common Core, Points Out Flaw To School Board
Sydney Smoot might look like your average 4th-grade girl, but she has taken such a bold stand against Common Core that she received a standing ovation from…

To my mother in heaven, thank you for loving me and helping me…
The bond between mother and child is like no other. I guess it starts before the child is even born. And unlike other bonds between people, it…

Man Insults Military Couple On Airplane – Gets Nasty Surprise From Fellow Passenger
Members of the U.S. military have put their lives on the line to protect the American people, yet they often do not get the respect they deserve…

”Me and my precious Mother hung clothes out to dry on a line just like this.
My mom was an early environmentalist, and she didn’t even know it. One of my fondest childhood memories involves my mother and the clothesline that stretched across…

I want to brag on this young man named Hayden working at McDonald’s at exit 8 on 25E near i81.
I want to brag on this young man named Hayden working at McDonald’s at exit 8 on 25E near i81. I stopped in there for a quick…

Fort Hood Soldier Ordered To Remove American Flag From Rental Home
When a Fort Hood soldier was ordered to remove the American flag from his rental home, he was stunned. As his veteran neighbors learned about the demand,…

Corvette Driver Shouldn’t Have Rolled Down Window And Flipped The Bird
A pickup truck was simply trying to merge into the right lane when an easily annoyed driver rolled down the window of his red Corvette and decided…

Boy Accidentally Damages Neighbor’s Car, Mom Receives Note With Bill
When a three-year-old little boy opened his mother’s car door into a neighbor’s vehicle, it resulted in a small dent to the other car. Wanting to do…

Today’s story! A single father adopts an unwanted boy with Down syndrome and finds the children’s $1.2 million inheritance years later.
A bereaved father attempts to adopt a tiny child with Down syndrome who no one wants. Years later, he receives some surprising news from a lawyer. Uncomfortably,…

The couple, who had been married for 63 years, spent their final moments in their hospital beds holding hands. When his wife died, something incredible occurred.
«Till death do us part» is a traditional wedding vow that represents the oneness and dedication of marriage. This sentence described a couple’s life and death, revealing…