In a heartbreaking incident over the weekend, a 14-year-old boy, identified as Knox MacEwen, lost his life while participating in a 5K race at Everglades High School in Florida. The teenager went into cardiac arrest during the run, leading to a tragic outcome that has left the community in mourning.
According to Miramar police reports shared with NBC6-South Florida, emergency personnel responded to the situation around 9 a.m. on Saturday. Despite their prompt arrival and efforts, MacEwen was swiftly transported to Memorial Miramar but could not be revived.
Subsequent updates from the hospital confirmed the devastating news as MacEwen was pronounced dead. The teen, a student at Western High School in Davie, had been actively engaged in a Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) exercise at the time of the incident.
The announcement of MacEwen’s passing was made by Western High Principal Jimmy Arrojo, who expressed condolences to the bereaved family and the wider school community. Grief counselors have been made available on campus throughout the week to support students coping with the tragic loss.